Αττικό Ζωολογικό Κήπο
Kallimarmaro – Panathenaic stadium
Panathenaic stadium, also known aw Kallimarmaro, is a stadium in Athens located east of Zappeion and north of the hill of Ardittos, through which passes Ilissos river. It is the oldest operating stadium in the world. Its age estimated to be 2352 years, as it was first created 338 years BC. It is the only stadium in the world where three Olympic games have been held. The first games in 1896, the
Meso- Olympics of 1906 and the Archery with the Marathon in the organization of 2004. The shape of the stadium is like a horseshoe, with straight length of 193m. That was the shortest distance for athletes to run at the time (193 meters the smallest ‘’sprint’’ for a runner).
Panathenaic stadium is a timeless cultural, tourist symbol and one of the most important monuments in Athens and in Greece generally. It attracts visitors from all over the world and it is a well – known reference point of Athens. In ancient times it was used to perform part of Panathenaic Games in honor of goddess Athena.
Its rich history is inextricably linked to the modern Olympic Games from their revival in 1896 to the success of 2004 and is the place where the Olympic Flame is delivered for all the Olympic Games, winter, and summer.
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