At the foot of mountain Parnassus, in the evocative natural landscape formed between two majestic rocks, the Phaedriades, is the panehhelenic sanctuary of Delphi and the most famous oracle of ancient Greece. It is believed that the place where it was built was the navel of the earth because, according to tradition, when Zeus freed two eagles, one to the east and one to the west they met in Delphi. It was dedicated to god Apollon. Pythia was the name of the high priestess of the Temple of Apollon at Delhi who also served as its oracle, also known as the Oracle of Delphi. Delhpi is an area with intense tourist visitation, as it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In addition to the archeological site and the museum, there is the European Cultural Center and in the wider area several Monasteries of religious interest. Only 10km away is Arahova, an amazing winter destination of Central Greece, and nearby the summer resort of Itea and the traditional settlement of Galaxidi.
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